Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Questions on Eko's Church

A couple of posts ago, I said that although I didn’t know what Eko was building, I was sure it wasn’t a church. Obviously, I was wrong about that and I’ve been thinking about Eko’s church a lot during the three-week break from new episodes. I’m currently working on a longer post about this, but I wanted to list a few questions that I still have about the church.

Did Eko mark the first four trees he cut down for their architectural value or for an unknown sacred reason? They looked like they were strong and probably able to support the building to me, but they didn’t look very different from the other surrounding trees. Is there something special about those trees that only Eko knows? Perhaps the black smoke showed him something relating to the plant life on the island?

How will this church relate to Eko’s atypical views on religion (such as atoning for sins by abstaining from speech for 40 days and symbolically cutting off his beard when proclaiming his repentance)?

Eko, like Rose, did not seem anxious to leave the island when Bernard asked him to help with the S.O.S. sign. Does he have a reason that he wants to stay on the island as well? Are there more secrets yet to be revealed in his back-story?

If anyone has any thoughts on these questions, please leave them in the comments section.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how eko has the strength to chop those trees when he's all castawayed out on LOST ISLAND. I don't know, that Dharma food doesn't seem too yum. Also did you know that NO ONE MAKES GENERIC GOLD FISH CRACKERS. Except Dharma...


11:47 PM  

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